Investment Principles
Fundamental Analysis
We believe in conducting rigorous fundamental analysis of potential investments, focusing on a company's intrinsic value, financial health, and growth prospects. Our investment decisions are driven by the underlying business fundamentals rather than short-term market fluctuations.
Contrarian Thinking
We embrace contrarian thinking and are not afraid to invest in out-of-favor or undervalued sectors and companies. This approach allows us to capitalise on market inefficiencies and potentially uncover hidden opportunities.
Margin of Safety
We adhere to the principle of "margin of safety" coined by Benjamin Graham, seeking to purchase securities at a significant discount to their intrinsic value. By doing so, we aim to minimise downside risk and let the upside take care of itself.
Long-term Horizon
Our investment approach is oriented towards the long-term. We prioritize companies with sustainable competitive advantages and strong management teams capable of delivering consistent performance over time.
Diversification with Conviction
While diversification is important, we believe in maintaining a focused portfolio of high-conviction investments. This allows us to closely monitor and thoroughly understand each holding, leading to better-informed investment decisions.
Active Management
We continually assess and reevaluate our portfolio holdings. As market conditions change and new information emerges, we adjust our positions to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate risks.